
Coherence-mixedness trade-offs


Coherence-mixedness trade-offs


Qing-Hua Zhang, Shao-Ming Fei


Quantum coherence constitutes a foundational characteristic of quantum mechanics and is integral to emerging quantum resource theories. However, quantum
coherence is severely restricted by environmental noise in general quantum processing, indicated by the loss of information of a quantum system. Such
processing can be described by the trade-offs between the coherence and the mixedness. Based on the $l_2$ norm coherence, conditional von Neumann entropy
and Wigner–Yanase skew information, we derive basis-independent constraints on the attainable quantum coherence imposed by the mixedness of a quantum
state, which generalize the prior basis-dependent relations, provide fundamental insights into the latent coherence resources present within arbitrary
quantum systems that undergo decoherence and quantify the inherent limits on extractable coherence imposed by environmental noise.


J. Phys. A
57 (2024) 235301
